A better future
▃ A better future
Challenge ▃
Challenge ▃
At SHAPE you will find the drivers of positive change that can move yourself, your business and the world ahead. We are a network of forward-looking people and organisations. We embrace innovation. And we use the power of connection x storytelling to make things happen.
Grow your ▃
Real change does not come from thick reports, but from good ideas by creative and practical people. At SHAPE, you can connect with conceptual thinkers, business hackers, media makers, number crunchers and entrepreneurs. The best ideas are already within you. Let's cultivate them in our community and make them really work for you.
Let's ▃
Let's ▃
Good ideas for people, planet and business deserve a place in the spotlight. A well-told story, and shared with the outside world. To inspire and motivate people, and to encourage action. At SHAPE we help you generate reach, impact and support.
The best ideas are within you, your team, your network. Share them with our community of forward thinkers and change makers. Creators, researchers, business builders, number crunchers and others who widen your perspective and increase your possibilities. And make change happen.
We’re journalists, storytellers, marketeers and media pros. We create formats, news stories, rich media and social posts to drive engagement with your audience. We offer a turn-key platform for livestreams, news rooms and community events. And tailor-made content marketing to generate reach and impact.
We live in a world of change. But rather than being taken by surprise, we like to imagine what that change could be. Visualise how we would want it. And then start taking steps in the right direction. By sharing a vision of the future, we inspire change.
SHAPE is an initiative of journalist Paul van Gessel and concept creator Peter van Akkeren. Rather than looking back on things that aren’t right, we look forward to how things might be. We inform, inspire, motivate and activate. For a better world, now and in the future.
SHAPE is open to partners with an innovative spirit, progressive ideas and a drive for real change. We look forward to hearing from you!
© 2021 SHAPE Networks
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